Influencer Marketing Strategies for Brands: How to Stand Out From the Competition


People like to be guided. Actually you can read, people love to be influenced!

Most of our actions are the result of others’ decisions. We have a tendency to follow the crowd.

If you are a brand or an agency, and have products or services to market, utilizing this human psychology should be on your top list. Curious?

Yes, consider Influencer marketing for your next campaign to stand out from competitors and boost brand voice.

This article will help you to know the ins and outs of influencer marketing and of course how to implement a campaign through it. You will also learn about where to find the influencers, how to choose them and measure campaign analytics with practical examples.

Want to start influencer marketing without further reading? Set up a campaign right now.

Or, let’s dig deep about influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience and promote your brand. By partnering with influencers who have a strong following in your niche, you can get your products or services in front of people quickly and easily. 

As this marketing method is well targeted and promoted with specific messages, chances for your brand engagement, reach and sales are too high.

What about traditional marketing strategies?

As a brand or as an agency, it is assumed that you are already following some marketing strategies. Maybe you are leveraging content marketing , social media marketing, SEO, email marketing and so on. These marketing methods are proven over time and surely the main pillars of your brand.

But these marketing methods are done from your self end. As a brand you reach out to people and do all the marketing stuff. You are only relying on self content and tied to limited shutouts.

If you are a beginner or your brand is still less known to the audience, you may experience low campaign results and fail to place your brand in front of people. 

Your content idea might fail to attract target people due to lack of trust and massive reach. Moreover, you may have to wait a long time to create your own base of audience and earn credibility with traditional marketing strategies.

Now, question yourself. 

What to do to make a massive impression of your brand in a short time?

How to reach millions of targeted users effectively?

How to beat your brand competitors who are already well ahead?

Influencer Marketing is the next big thing for you to go miles and remove all pains.

Why to invest in influencer marketing? Does it have a higher benefit or piles extra expense for your brand?

In the near past, only big brands and companies were considered as influential entities.But after the massive evolution of social media, individuals and small teams began to join the party. And thanks to those social giants for providing the opportunity to earn money for creators. The Creator economy(aka influencer economy) is worth $250 billion in 2023 and is expected to nearly double by 2027.

So, what actually these creators do in social media like YouTube, Facebook or at TikTok?

Here’s some catch-

  • They create engaging content for their fans & followers.
  • Over time, they are being followed by a massive number of people that turn them to influencers.
  • These influencers host live webinars, live events, and do discussions regularly. As a result, people find them as peers.
  • Influencers take this chance of massive following and sell products or services easily. People also take them as a trusted guide and admire their recommendations.

As a business owner, you mustn’t overlook this huge opportunity to leverage the social influencers. 

Influencer Marketing Strategies for Brands

We are providing some clues how influencer marketing can grow your brand reputation and meet sales targets(and beat your competitors!).

  • Reaching to target audience- influencers are of various kinds and make content on different topics. Find an influencer in your niche and easily reach your targeted audience.
  • Select the social channel- Find which social channel your audience prefers. If they love videos, partner with YouTube influencers. Select Tiktok for a young audience.
  • Content generation from mastermind- Influencers are expert at creating engaging content that people love. You don’t need to invest time here.
  • Boost your website or any channel- Maybe your website is not getting enough traffic. Maybe your own social channels are underperforming. Use these influencers to tag your channel in their content. An easy process to improve your site SEO ranking and increase brand awareness.
  • Do the magic sale- Getting sales is the lifeline for any business. Showcase your products or services with the influencers, set up sponsored campaigns , host live demos about your products with influencers. Things will turn in your favor quickly for sure.
  • Cost minimization- There are ad blockers, viewability problems that are ruining traditional marketing methods. Moreover, the cost for advertising is getting higher whereas the ROI is less significant. Influencer marketing can be a big savior for your brand budgeting. Compared to traditional advertising cost, influencer marketing cost is very low till now. 
  • Campaign run- Setup specific campaign to attain specific goals with influencer marketing.It can be like a mega sale or for any festival campaign or launching a new product. Don’t forget to measure your campaign result with pre-defined goals. Calculate the percentage of ROI, increase in traffic and overall sales performance. Make proper adjustments and set new goals with influencers.
  • Stay ahead of competition- Influencer marketing can provide your brand a big exposure. Many big brands in your niche  are still not leveraging it properly. It’s a golden opportunity for your brand to level up the game and stand out from the competition.

Here are a few additional tips to help you stand out from the competition in influencer marketing:

  • Create Mix content: Creative thinking wins the race. Try new things and experiment with different types of content. Make reels, videos, post stories, highlight brand achievements and whatever like these.
  • Be transparent: Maintain transparency with your audience about your influencer marketing campaigns. If you’re working with an influencer and go for paid promotions, disclose it to customers. Don’t put pressure on influencers to promote your products or services in a misleading way.
  • Make relationships with influencers: Understand the influencers you’re working with and develop an affinity with them. This will help you to create more authentic and engaging content together.
  • Don’t overlook small niche creators: Don’t be afraid to reach out to small influencers. Micro-influencers (1,000 to 100,000 followers) often have higher engagement rates than popular influencers.

By following these tips, you can create influencer marketing campaigns that stand out from the competition and help you to achieve your business goals.

Where to find ideal influencers for your brand and how to choose?

To find the fittest influencer, to choose them, negotiation and running campaigns are huge challenges to conduct influencer marketing for your brand. 

You have to also sort out the audience type, size and engagement rate of the selected influencer. Making a list of influencers to compare their likes, comments,shares and views is not easy and can be weird too. Managing too many campaigns and too many influencers may take huge time and a lot of teamwork.

How about your competitors who are already leveraging influencers? Which influencers are working for your competitors? Keeping these important data in hand seems to be a daunting task for any busy brand.

We have gone through the same pains also. But luckily we have found a total solution to remove all the pains and manage influencer marketing on the go. 

Semrush has introduced an Influencer Analytics app under Semrush App Center. After a lot of market research, we discovered this Influencer Analytics app from Semrush App Center as a good fit for managing Influencer marketing.

No need to search or scroll through millions of creators on social media and on Google. You don’t have to start from scratch, pull out raw data and save somewhere else. Rely on Influencer Analytics app for setting up your next influencer marketing campaign.

How Influencer Analytics app can help your business to manage influencer marketing?

Influencer Analytics app has been developed as a complete influencer analytics app which is beneficial both for business owners, agency owners and for digital marketers equally.

Take a quick look at what your business can do with Influencer Analytics app.

  • Discover Influencers across social media with a hooping database of 27M+ creators.
  • Create and manage marketing campaigns. Assign and track influencers from a single dashboard. Create short links for your campaign and follow the link activities.
  • Find brands and apps related to your business. View their campaign strategies, ad spending and find which influencers they are working with. The secrets are out there!
  • Evaluate campaign performance automatically. Set your total budget, expected CPM & CPC, expected views, dates of campaign and pull out automatic reporting on the go. Reporting data is organized with various charts and tables for a quick grab.
  • Explore Top 100 influencers by subscribers, by views and by engagement rate from YouTube, TikTok and Twitch. You can also filter them countrywise.

Setting up a campaign with Influencer Analytics app

Let’s create an influencer marketing campaign with Influencer Analytics app. We have followed our own process. You don’t have to follow the exact same serial, just grab the idea for now.

At first, get a free trial of Influencer Analytics app. To do this, you have to create an account with Semrush.

After log in to Influencer Analytics app , you will see a dashboard like this.

Create a list of influencers you’re gonna work with. Click on Lists button on top of the dashboard and then create new button and make a list.

Now click on Influencer discovery and on YouTube.

Filter as per your need.

From there select one and add to your list.

Now click on Campaign Management and then create campaign. You will find a page to fill up your details like total budget, expected CPM & CPC, expected views, dates of campaign etc. Let’s fill it with details and click next.

Set campaign requirements, status and format.

Voila! Your campaign is ready now.

Attach the influencer now from your list.

Click on campaign and then add influencer from the directory or import any other file.

Be sure to follow this 8 step checklist created by Semrush before launching your influencer marketing campaign.

Cons of Influencer Analytics app

Not everything in the world starts with perfection. We have found these cons while using Influencer Analytics app.

Slow loading/Not loading: Some features took time to load which were annoying. Moreover, Some features with links were created but not taking you anywhere. User interface and user experience both should be considered deeply.

Limited social media integration: Only includes influencers from YouTube, Twitch and from TikTok. Other major channels like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin are not integrated yet.

Too costly to begin with: $169/mo is not a small amount to deal with. This price for Influencer Analytics app would be seemed as an expensive entry barrier for small brands and teams.

Cost of Influencer Analytics app

Basic plan for Influencer Analytics app starts with $169/month after 7 day free trial.

You will get unlimited influencer discovery and 50 tokens for accessing reports on certain influencers. You will also get access to top 5 competitor analysis with this plan. You can also purchase additional tokens any time from the app.

To run campaign management, you need to add extra $69/month. 

Adding competitor analysis costs you $129/month.

buzzguru price

What are alternatives to Influencer Analytics app?

There are some tools out there which you can find as useful alternatives to Influencer Analytics app. We suggest you to select such tools according to your brand and niche.

Some tools are built with focusing on one social media. Keep an eye to some features like easy to use, free trials, customer reviews or created by a reputable company etc.

Some worth mentioning alternatives of Influencer Analytics app are Upfluence, Awario, Klear, Intellifluence, HypeAuditor etc.

Concluding statements

The marketing game is getting more and more complex and diversified than any other times. Finding and launching a winning marketing strategy is the core challenge now a days for any brands and companies.

Approach to win the hearts of customers first, then get into their heads! This kind of client focused marketing methods are now a better choice for sure.

Influencer marketing can take your brand straight to the hearts of targeted customers through the influencers who maintain a vast loyal community. A well targeted influencer marketing campaign is more goal-oriented, cost-effective and brand-developing.

Can you smell the victory over your competitors?

Worth reading for further knowledge

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